The benefits of minimally invasive therapies, among others, a small scars focus on cancer cells and caused only minor damage in normal tissues.

The concept of western medicine and eastern chime in on Modern Cancer Hospital Ghuangzou, China. Although both concepts are different, something in between proved to give good results for cancer patients.  ''Currently Ghuangzou Modern Cancer Hospital has been the basis of research and clinical treatment in Asian countries and the world in technology combined western and eastern.'' said Director of Ghuangzou Modern Cancer Hospital, Peng Xiachi at seminar of the 7th Chinese Academic Conference of Minimally Invasive Therapy on Oncology at Ghuangzou, China on Sunday (9/25).

According to Peng currently there are four methods of cancer treatment ie surgery, immunization, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.  But those methods may not be suitable for cancer patients, considering the number of types and stages of the pathway to cancer patients.  In addition, these methods were also often cause complications, morbidity and mortality.

Therefore, said Peng, Ghuangzou Hospital focus on developing minimally invasive therapies to treat cancer and combine them with traditional Chinese medicine.  Is a minimally invasive technique that minimizes the incision in the patient's body in the treatment of cancer.

Peng pointed out one of its kind, namely a knife particle therapy.  The therapy is one of the latest cancer treatment technology suitable for primary cancer (new), cancer recurrence, and cancer metastis (already spread).  This methode is also suitable for patients with advanced cancers that are difficult or inoperable.

In particle methods, the therapeutic process begins by inserting the particles into the radiation gun implantation, then jabbed the needle into the tumor being targeted by the guide means of CT or ultrasound imaging.  After that, the core needle is removed and the particles enter directly into the tumors driven by the driving tool.  This process is repeated until the radiation particles evenly dispersed within the tumor mass.

''Interventions to target specific local particle directly kill malignant cancer cells to stop its spread.'' said Peng.

Minimally invasive therapy is considered to have a number of advantages.  As a small scar, high doses of radiation only in target cells, and only caused minor damage to the surrounding normal tissue.

On another occasion, Peng Xiachi also describes other methods of cancer treatment, ie, immunization of modern biology.  ''This is an innovative therapy to cope with cancer without pain.''

Fellow Peng, doctor Zhang, exposing different immunization techniques with chemotherapy because they do not use drugs, but cells from patient's own immunization in cloning.  ''This technique is safe. The effect is minimal and effective.''

Indonesian Patients

With numerous innovations in therapy, Ghuangzou Hospital be one alternative for cancer patients in Indonesia.  Coordinator Ghuangzou Hospital Representative in Jakarta, Owen put forward until now patients from Indonesia who seek treatment in Ghuangzou Hospital reached more than 1000 people.

''Follow-up from our results on the side of patients, they were satisfied with the treatment technique, the results achieved, the facilities and the services.'' said Owen who accompanied a team of Indonesian journalists and doctors who visited Ghuangzou Hospital, China recently.

(source from Media Indonesia Newspaper by Syarief Oebaidillah, 10/7/2011)