Are you looking for a natural atmosphere complete with waterfalls roar?  It would have nothing to lose if you to visit sights in the village of waterfall Cobanrondo Pandesari, Pujon District, Malang City, East Java, INDONESIA

Cobanrondo waterfalls has a height of 84 m and an altitude of 1,135 m above sea level.
The water flowing in a waterfall comes from springs Cemoro Dudo and become a tourist attraction began in 1980 and is part of the Unity Forest Stakeholders (KPH), Perhutani Office Malang.

Condro waterfalls has the water discharge 150 liters/sec, whereas in the dry season 90 liters/sec.  In addition to tours, waterfalls are also used for drinking water management through The Regional Water Company (PDAM) to the public Pujon District.  Condro waterfalls has the storage water pond that is shallow enough to be a playground for children.  There are even a few visitors who relax while lying in a pool of the waterfall to enjoy the freshness of the water.

There are some visitors who prefer to sit on one side of the hill and see the panoramic view from the heights of Malang city while enjoying the roasted corn.   For those who want to camp, also provided the area around the pine forests and waterfalls.

The facilities and infrastructure around the tourist attraction, it is also classified as complete.  Starting from a smooth path from the entrance to the parking area, the availability of the various food stalls, mushola and toilet rooms.

The visitors did not make the waterfalls as the only tourist destination because there is also the location to play for children and the mini zoo as an alternative. Want to try? come and enjoy the adventure there for your coming holiday.