It is a true story...the good news for those who have cancer.

The story began with this.  There was a domestic worker who was having cancer in her womb. Her belly was getting bigger and bigger everyday. The doctor said that she could have had no chance to life longer, she could have been just waiting for her death.  Coincidentally, she met with an old man who taught her a panacea...which was the food that we eat everyday.

The recipe is:
150 grams of fresh carrot; 150 grams of fresh potato; a fresh apple. After they are washed, all peeled and crushed them in the blender and drink it every morning. 

In her desperation, the maid tried the panacea. With her amazement, after a few months, the maid was bleeding some dark blood together with the ichor as if she had a menstruation, but this time with a big amount of blood and ichor. Oddly enough, the maid was getting well day by day. Her belly became flat as normal. She went to the hospital. The doctor examined her and said that she has been healed.  It was a miracle!!!!. Until now, she feels well.

Now you have known the recipe. It is no harm if you share with other people who had cancer so as to be cured.